Wheel Kids events have different cancellation and refund policies depending on the event type and duration. The information below provides general outlines of these policies. If you registered online your registration receipt has the specific details of the program in which you have registered.
Policy Changes: In case of society-wide events beyond our control (e.g., pandemic, natural disaster, governmental action, etc.), we reserve the right to modify our stated refund policies if necessary to preserve our ability to operate in the present and future. Such modifications will be announced to all event participants and will supersede any previously-published refund policies.
Medical Cancellations: Registrants unable to participate in a program due to unforeseen medical conditions may be eligible for a refund less an administrative fee; a refund may be provided upon Wheel Kids’ receipt of a signed letter from the participant’s physician no less than five days before the camp session begins.
Erroneous Registration: Accidental registrations (e.g., signing up for the wrong program, wrong date, wrong skill level) may be refunded in full less an administrative fee if brought to our attention within 48 hours of the erroneous registration. Cancellation of an erroneous registration after 48 hours will be handled according to the policies listed below and program-specific policies if any.
Credits: We do not issue credits for future events.
COVID-19, AQI, & OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH FACTORS: Our programs listed below are staffed mostly by young people committed to providing quality services for our community while also earning needed income. They are our essential workers. Meanwhile, we all face environmental conditions beyond our control such as COVID-19 and poor air quality. We will do all we can to not cancel programs but must do so if health considerations require it. Due to the uncontrollable nature of these threats and our staff’s reliance on our program income we cannot refund for COVID or air quality cancellations.
We now offer self-cancellation and transfer services, accessible from within your Active account: https://campsself.active.com/wheelkidsbicycleclub
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received four weeks or more prior to the registered camp for a refund. A 75% refund will be issued for requests four weeks or more days prior to the start date. No refunds will be provided for cancellations or withdrawals occurring within four weeks of the program start date. Once a camp session has begun, no refund will be granted for absences, dismissal, weather, illness/injury, or voluntary withdrawal from the camp, or for changes to the camp schedule or program deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. Cancellation of Extended Hours, lunches, or other add-on items can be done at any time for a refund, less an administrative fee – see program page for details.
Changing camp sessions/programs after you’ve registered is possible if space is available. Requests to change your session must be submitted no less than four weeks prior to the start date of your currently registered session. Changing to a session/program that’s full will result in your name being placed on the wait-list in the order it was received – if space does not open in this case, no refund or credit will be provided. There is no cost to transfer sessions if done within 48 hours using self-transfer services. After 48 hours from your registration there is a $25 transfer fee, payable after the transfer is confirmed. After May 1, changes to open summer camp sessions will be assessed a transfer fee of $50, payable after transfer is confirmed.
Private Lessons
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received 72 hours or more in advance of the scheduled lesson for a refund, less a 50% administrative fee. Rescheduling, with no refund, may be possible. No refund for cancellations with less than 72 hours notice. Wheel Kids will make every effort to provide more than 24 hours notice of cancellation; cancellation by Wheel Kids, for reasons other than COVID-19 or air quality, will be refunded 100% or rescheduled if possible at a mutually convenient time.
After School & Weekend Bike Classes
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received fourteen or more days prior to the registered class for a refund. A 50% refund will be issued for requests fourteen or more days prior to the start date. No refund will be made less than fourteen days prior to the registered camp. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the camp or for changes to the camp or camp schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. In case of weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be provided. This credit expires in 2 years from the date of issue.
School Year Camps (One-Day or Partial-Week)
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received fourteen or more days prior to the registered camp for a refund. A 50% refund will be issued for requests fourteen or more days prior to the start date. No refund will be made less than fourteen days prior to the registered camp. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the camp or for changes to the camp or camp schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. In case of weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be provided. This credit expires in 2 years from the date of issue.
School Year Camps (Full-Week)
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received four weeks or more prior to the registered camp for a refund. A 75% refund will be issued for requests four weeks or more days prior to the start date. No refund will be made less than four weeks prior to the registered camp. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the camp or for changes to the camp or camp schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. In case of weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be provided. This credit expires in 2 years from the date of issue.
Custom Camps, Classes & Informational Programs (One-Day, Partial Day, or Full-Week)
A written request (email accepted) must be received at least 30 days prior to the scheduled program to be considered. If we have available staff and resources to host your event, a $195 non-refundable deposit is required to open a camp for enrollment. In the event that the camp runs, this deposit will be applied to the cost of the camp tuition for the organizer. Camps require a minimum of six children, and this minimum must be met at least 14 days prior to the proposed start date for the camp to proceed. Deposits for informational programs or classes will vary based on the event’s scope.
To be eligible for a refund, cancellations must be made at least 14 days before the program start date, in which case a 50% refund will be issued. No refunds will be granted for cancellations made less than 14 days before the program start date. Refunds will not be provided for absences, dismissal, voluntary withdrawal, or for any changes to the program schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff.If camp minimums are not met, non-deposit paying participants will receive a 95% refund. In the case of a weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be issued, valid for two years from the date of issue.
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received fourteen or more days prior to the registered session date for a refund. An 80% refund will be issued for requests fourteen or more days prior to the start date. If written request is received less than 14 days prior to the registered session date, no refund will be made. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal, or voluntary withdrawal from the class. Notice of cancellation must include date, location and name of registered student; please send to admin@wheelkids.com.
Changing class sessions after you’ve registered is possible if space is available. Requests to change your session must be submitted no less than 14 days prior to the start date of your currently registered session. Changing to a session/program that’s full will result in your name being placed on the waitlist in the order it was received – if space does not open in this case, no refund or credit will be provided.
Written request must be received seven or more days prior to the registered class session date for a refund. A 50% refund will be issued for requests seven or more days prior to the beginning of the class. No refund will be made less than seven days prior to the registered class. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the Event or for changes to the Event or Event schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff.
Wheel Kids events have different cancellation and refund policies depending on the event type and duration. The information below provides general outlines of these policies. If you registered online your registration receipt has the specific details of the program in which you have registered.
Policy Changes: In case of society-wide events beyond our control (e.g., pandemic, natural disaster, governmental action, etc.), we reserve the right to modify our stated refund policies if necessary to preserve our ability to operate in the present and future. Such modifications will be announced to all event participants and will supersede any previously-published refund policies.
Medical Cancellations: Registrants unable to participate in a program due to unforeseen medical conditions may be eligible for a refund less an administrative fee; a refund may be provided upon Wheel Kids’ receipt of a signed letter from the participant’s physician no less than five days before the camp session begins.
Erroneous Registration: Accidental registrations (e.g., signing up for the wrong program, wrong date, wrong skill level) may be refunded in full less an administrative fee if brought to our attention within 48 hours of the erroneous registration. Cancellation of an erroneous registration after 48 hours will be handled according to the policies listed below and program-specific policies if any.
Credits: We do not issue credits for future events.
COVID-19, AQI, & OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH FACTORS: Our programs listed below are staffed mostly by young people committed to providing quality services for our community while also earning needed income. They are our essential workers. Meanwhile, we all face environmental conditions beyond our control such as COVID-19 and poor air quality. We will do all we can to not cancel programs but must do so if health considerations require it. Due to the uncontrollable nature of these threats and our staff’s reliance on our program income we cannot refund for COVID or air quality cancellations.
We now offer self-cancellation and transfer services, accessible from within your Active account: https://campsself.active.com/wheelkidsbicycleclub
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received four weeks or more prior to the registered camp for a refund. A 75% refund will be issued for requests four weeks or more days prior to the start date. No refunds will be provided for cancellations or withdrawals occurring within four weeks of the program start date. Once a camp session has begun, no refund will be granted for absences, dismissal, weather, illness/injury, or voluntary withdrawal from the camp, or for changes to the camp schedule or program deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. Cancellation of Extended Hours, lunches, or other add-on items can be done at any time for a refund, less an administrative fee – see program page for details.
Changing camp sessions/programs after you’ve registered is possible if space is available. Requests to change your session must be submitted no less than four weeks prior to the start date of your currently registered session. Changing to a session/program that’s full will result in your name being placed on the wait-list in the order it was received – if space does not open in this case, no refund or credit will be provided. There is no cost to transfer sessions if done within 48 hours using self-transfer services. After 48 hours from your registration there is a $25 transfer fee, payable after the transfer is confirmed. After May 1, changes to open summer camp sessions will be assessed a transfer fee of $50, payable after transfer is confirmed.
Private Lessons
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received 72 hours or more in advance of the scheduled lesson for a refund, less a 50% administrative fee. Rescheduling, with no refund, may be possible. No refund for cancellations with less than 72 hours notice. Wheel Kids will make every effort to provide more than 24 hours notice of cancellation; cancellation by Wheel Kids, for reasons other than COVID-19 or air quality, will be refunded 100% or rescheduled if possible at a mutually convenient time.
After School & Weekend Bike Classes
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received fourteen or more days prior to the registered class for a refund. A 50% refund will be issued for requests fourteen or more days prior to the start date. No refund will be made less than fourteen days prior to the registered camp. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the camp or for changes to the camp or camp schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. In case of weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be provided. This credit expires in 2 years from the date of issue.
School Year Camps (One-Day or Partial-Week)
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received fourteen or more days prior to the registered camp for a refund. A 50% refund will be issued for requests fourteen or more days prior to the start date. No refund will be made less than fourteen days prior to the registered camp. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the camp or for changes to the camp or camp schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. In case of weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be provided. This credit expires in 2 years from the date of issue.
School Year Camps (Full-Week)
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received four weeks or more prior to the registered camp for a refund. A 75% refund will be issued for requests four weeks or more days prior to the start date. No refund will be made less than four weeks prior to the registered camp. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the camp or for changes to the camp or camp schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff. In case of weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be provided. This credit expires in 2 years from the date of issue.
Custom Camps, Classes & Informational Programs (One-Day, Partial Day, or Full-Week)
A written request (email accepted) must be received at least 30 days prior to the scheduled program to be considered. If we have available staff and resources to host your event, a $195 non-refundable deposit is required to open a camp for enrollment. In the event that the camp runs, this deposit will be applied to the cost of the camp tuition for the organizer. Camps require a minimum of six children, and this minimum must be met at least 14 days prior to the proposed start date for the camp to proceed. Deposits for informational programs or classes will vary based on the event’s scope.
To be eligible for a refund, cancellations must be made at least 14 days before the program start date, in which case a 50% refund will be issued. No refunds will be granted for cancellations made less than 14 days before the program start date. Refunds will not be provided for absences, dismissal, voluntary withdrawal, or for any changes to the program schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff.If camp minimums are not met, non-deposit paying participants will receive a 95% refund. In the case of a weather-related cancellation by Wheel Kids, a credit will be issued, valid for two years from the date of issue.
Written request (email is acceptable) must be received fourteen or more days prior to the registered session date for a refund. An 80% refund will be issued for requests fourteen or more days prior to the start date. If written request is received less than 14 days prior to the registered session date, no refund will be made. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal, or voluntary withdrawal from the class. Notice of cancellation must include date, location and name of registered student; please send to admin@wheelkids.com.
Changing class sessions after you’ve registered is possible if space is available. Requests to change your session must be submitted no less than 14 days prior to the start date of your currently registered session. Changing to a session/program that’s full will result in your name being placed on the waitlist in the order it was received – if space does not open in this case, no refund or credit will be provided.
Written request must be received seven or more days prior to the registered class session date for a refund. A 50% refund will be issued for requests seven or more days prior to the beginning of the class. No refund will be made less than seven days prior to the registered class. Refunds will not be granted for absences, dismissal or voluntary withdrawal from the Event or for changes to the Event or Event schedule deemed necessary by Wheel Kids staff.